Mark Robert Waldman is one of the world’s leading experts on communication, enlightenment, and the brain. He is on the faculty at Loyola Marymount University’s College of Business and the Holmes Institute.
Mark has authored many books, including the national bestseller, How God Changes Your Brain, an Oprah pick for 2012. His research has been featured in Time, the Washington Post, the New York Times, Forbes, Entrepreneur, Investor’s Business Weekly, and Oprah Magazine. He has appeared on PBS Television and NPR Radio, and he received the Distinguished Speaker award from the Mind Science Foundation.
If you’d like to learn the NeuroWisdom principles that are the foundation of Neuro-Coaching, I strongly recommend Mark Waldman’s audio program NeuroWisdom101, where you will find many of these strategies, plus 50 other amazing stress-reducing and positivity enhancing exercises.
Many of my clients are reaping the benefits of following Mark Robert Waldman’s online Training Program NeuroWisdom 101. I have personally experienced the benefits of this University-proven training program and I am a living proof of how it can transform your life!
Some of the practical brain-based experiential exercises you will practice will teach you how to rapidly reduce stress, increase productivity and stimulate optimal brain functioning by adding more joy and pleasure to your life.