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Tools To Develop Your Mental

Tools To Develop Your Mental

  Don't let your inner critic hijack your brain and suck you into a vortex of negativity. Many of us suffer unnecessarily by ruminating or repeating negative thoughts. The...

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Release your Di.R.T

Release your Di.R.T

  Release your Di.R.T..... and a Neuro-Tip   Release your Di.R.T....   I can't wait for the spring to arrive and bring a breath of fresh air, renovation, and changes to what...

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Safe Hugging

Safe Hugging

Safe Hugging   One thing is for sure: there's a shortage of hugs these days. Most of us are not getting our daily requirement of hugs. When we hug.... the brain release...

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A Special Invitation to Create

A Special Invitation to Create

  A Special Invitation to Create: Are You Joining Me?   In honor of the National Stress Awareness Day, celebrated the first Wednesday in November, I invite you to take a...

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