Valuable Tips for Serial Procrastinators – Part One
Are you a serial procrastinator? I used to be one too. Help is on the way. Here's some practical advice and tips that can help. There is power in numbers: A good way to get...
Boost happiness by taking time to savor brief moments of delight throughout the day
Wondering how to get rid of that "blah" feeling? Science shows you can boost happiness by taking time to savor brief moments of delight throughout the day. Did you know that...
Setting Healthy Boundaries Can Help Us Heal
Setting Healthy Boundaries Can Help Us Heal If we’ve experienced trauma, chronic anxiety, or dysregulation, we may be so used to operating in survival mode that it becomes the...
Best Brain Hygiene Practice: Wash, Rinse and Repeat
Best Brain Hygiene Practice: Wash, Rinse and Repeat Research shows the best practice to cultivate a balanced brain and to stay regulated is to experience Brief Moments of...
The Three Most Common Forms Of Self-Sabotage And Ways To Compassionately Overcome Them
I am thrilled to have my third article published in Brainz Magazine where I discuss: The Three Most Common Forms Of Self-Sabotage And Ways To Compassionately Overcome Them ...
The Real Reason Behind Procrastination – Plus a NeuroTip
Suddenly, the lazy sloth energy settles in… In spite of having good intentions, you're very slow making progress on any of your projects. You keep putting it off, taking all...
Why Creating and Maintaining Healthy (Inner) Boundaries is One of The Best Life Skills that You Can Cultivate- Plus a NeuroTip
Whoever coined the expression “develop thicker skin” was very wise. If you have never heard that expression, it usually refers to people who are overly sensitive and easily...
Befriend Your Fear – A Brain Hack For Living With Greater Courage
I am thrilled to have my fourth article published in Brainz Magazine where I discuss: Befriend Your Fear – A Brain Hack For Living With Greater Courage CLICK HERE to go to the...
Mindset Hacks ‒ Get Unstuck And Propel Forward ‒ Practical Neuro Tips To Help You End The Blues
I am thrilled to have my third article published in Brainz Magazine where I discuss: Why Do You Feel Stuck? CLICK HERE to go to the full article now. You may hold subconscious...