How to dial down the stress response and boost your immune system.
We become so used to living with chronic stress, many of us don’t notice it anymore.
Chronic stress causes all sorts of health issues, and can trigger autoimmune diseases.
The truth is:
There’s not one state of disease, inflammation, pain, or viral or bacterial infection that benefits from stress. NONE!
So, in order to prevent any stress related complications, then you must dial down your stress response.
Neuro Tip: Interrupt stress with self soothing. Guided experiential exercise.
- Slowly and mindfully yawn at least 3 times to release any mental stress/ tension…
Then, very slowly start rolling head around neck in slow motion.
Extremely slow…. Slower than slow motion bringing your total awareness to the movement and sensations of neck movement of neck, inch by inch…
Notice how it feels.
Do you feel tension in your neck /shoulders?
Whatever it is that you feel: Notice it/ Feel it
- Next, add a self- nurturing touch:
Start stroking arms, or palms very gently.
Feel the pleasant, tickling sensation on your skin,
Then, apply a gentle self nurturing touch to your arms.
Notice how calm you feel.
** Oxytocin: the love hormone: is released when you hug an animal, a loved one, or during your own self nurturing touch.
** This neuro strategy releases 1100 NEUROTRANSMITTERS THAT BOOST your immune system and reduces stress. To less stress and more health 🙂
Randomized Controlled Trial Brain Behav Immun. 2012 Oct;26(7):1095-101. doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2012.07.006. Epub 2012 Jul 20.
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction training reduces loneliness and pro-inflammatory gene expression in older adults: a small randomized controlled trial
J David Creswell 1, Michael R Irwin, Lisa J Burklund, Matthew D Lieberman, Jesusa M G Arevalo, Jeffrey Ma, Elizabeth Crabb Breen, Steven W Cole.
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To an amazing journey,
Fanny 🙂