Useful Tips for Serial Procrastinators- Part 2.


Exploring the root cause of procrastination, plus mindful tools you can apply from brain science that will help get to the root…

Procrastination is a coping mechanism.

“We must realize that, at its core, procrastination is about emotions, not productivity. The solution doesn’t involve downloading a time management app or learning new strategies for self-control. It has to do with managing our emotions in a new way.”

Dr. Judson Brewer

When faced with a task that makes us feel anxious or insecure, the amygdala — the “threat detector” part of the brain — perceives that task as a genuine threat, in this case to our self-esteem or well-being. Even if we intellectually recognize that putting off the task will create more stress for ourselves in the future, our brains are still wired to be more concerned with removing the threat in the present. Researchers call this “amygdala hijack.”

Faced with a difficult/challenging task, the brain may seek short-term relief, actively avoiding the task. Avoiding the task provides the short term relief, and that usually starts a cycle that easily becomes a chronic habit. It can easily become a destructive cycle that causes psychological distress and negative emotions.

Some mindful strategies to consider:

  • Practice self compassion:
    Whether you listen to a meditation or do a quick self compassion check-in, the moment you activate the feelings of self compassion, the neural circuits calms down. It decreases psychological stress and enhances feelings of self worth.

  • Mindfully, get in touch with yourself, yawn and do a slow mindful movement to become present, then:

  • Write a plan / intention with the steps that you are going to implement (example: finding our accountability group or joining an accountability group.

  • Pick the project (or projects) that you have been dreading- but you know they must be done. Before you start, make sure to give yourself a dose of self love and self compassion.

  • Break the project down in several small steps that are not overwhelming, and get started.

  • Celebrate each tiny win:
    Every time you finish a small step, even if it’s tiny, celebrate! Reward yourself and celebrate each win.
    Every time you celebrate it will give you a great dopamine boost (It activates the motivational networks in the brain)

  • Try to make it fun by being playful. Brain science says that it activates the motivational networks in the brain.

To your success in taming the procrastination habit!

Love and blessings, Fanny:)


PS: ** In case you didn’t get part I, you can access Useful Tips for Serial Procrastinators-Part I HERE


Self-Compassion: An Alternative Conceptualization of a Healthy Attitude Toward Oneself Kristin Neff HERE

The Prevalence, Predictors, Causes, Treatment, and Implications of Procrastination Behaviors in General, Academic, and Work Setting HERE


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To an amazing journey,

Fanny 🙂