I am thrilled to have my fourth article published in Brainz Magazine where I discuss:

Befriend Your Fear – A Brain Hack For Living With Greater Courage

CLICK HERE to go to the full article now.

Fear of making a mistake. Fear of conflict. Fear of the unknown.

We all harbor fears: Some entirely legitimate, others wholly irrational.

Some fear intimacy. Others, heights. One of the most commonly held fears is public speaking.

But what are the consequences of letting fear get the best of you, or worse, turning fear into your mortal enemy?

If you never get over your fear of making mistakes, you’ll avoid taking risks, and if you never take risks, you’ll never try anything new. If you’ve turned conflict into your nemesis, you’ll steer clear of conversations that may deepen and strengthen your relationships. If you live in perpetual fear of what may happen tomorrow, you’ll never move out of your comfort zone.

So How do you befriend fear?

Neuroscience has some answers.

CLICK HERE To read the full article to find out how to Befriend Your Fear


Stay curious.

Fanny 😎